Monday, May 11, 2009

Doozie of a weekend

My my this weekend was a doozie. Or a boozie, I shall say. At the ripe old age of 25, I've finally determined that I might just be too old to drink. Maybe I am out of practice, maybe I am so slim and trim that the alcohol affects me differently than it once did, or maybe I am just getting too damn old to process that liquid gold. My fun-filled Thursday night resulted in a two-day long headache and multiple hours of sickness on Friday.

I hopped in a cab to meet up with some friends for lunch on Friday, knowing full well that the results could have been very embarassing. I knew things were turning sour when the sweat started beading down my forehead and my mouth started salivating. Quickly, I ran through my options in my head--do I ask the cab driver to pull over so I can be sick (been there, done that), do I puke in my purse like Nikki, do I just stick my head out the window, or do I try to play a mental game. I opted for the latter of the choices. I had a great little chat with inner Gina, "come on Gina, you got this, you can do this, you can do anything. Clean your act up. You're a grown woman" I rolled down the window all the way- maybe some fresh air will help? NO! Finally I arrive at my destination to see my co-workers so happy to see me and give me hugs. "Oh what a long cab ride, I really need to use the bathroom" I said, as my insides screamed "QUIT TALKING YOU FOOL!" I then bolted to the bathroom and all was well. For lunch I enjoyed some beef lasagne. I won't even get into what happened after that. (I never said I was bright...)


  1. You gals are not old. Just wait until you turn 30. Then you can consume away.

  2. Oh, girl, the places I have ralphed. The worst was the elevator at work (don't worry it was only water, but still, not really my classiest move). Never in the purse, though - that's pretty clutch! (Get it? CLUTCH? HAHAHA.)
